Sunday, March 31, 2013

Stalker News: Issue 666

Olá Stalkers, (actually it oul dbe more appropriate to write Oi, the Brazilian greeting)

After CHRISTINE, I will write one more free book for you called The Boy from the County Hell; a drunken philosophical adventure with the ominous anti-hero Shane McGowan of The Pogues, fighting the evil Paul McCartney to stop the apocalypse with help from a dear passed friend of punk rock; Joe Strummer.

After The Boy form the County Hell, I will be taking a break from free art, just for one novel.

My intention is still to get signed to a publisher. I want to make a living from my hard work and creativity. It's only fair. But the selling game is very tiring and demoralising, especially when you put so much into a piece of art and some no talent salesperson takes less than a second to define their misunderstanding and creative anorexia as unsellable or unpitchable work; and those rejection letters are just tiring.

So, to continue with the charade and to try and help my family by trying to get one of these nitwit literary agents to take me on and sell my work to a publisher, I will be writing a book which will not appear free, at least for one year; time enough to try and pitch the idea to agents and if still I am rowing the same degree, then it will join the rest of the Free Art Collection.

This book will be a very difficult piece. As a father, it  is one of my fears and being this close to fear means hopefully i should be able to transcend that emtion to word and have you feeling the same. I won't go into too much detail and unfortunately there will be no excerpts as it is coming along.

I will though, during this time, try to run asme adjoining work to keep you occupied and quencihing of your thirst.

Just a warning. I imagine the book would be written in a 3 month period, maybe less. I am trying to keep my momentum of 4-5 books per year.

If I am in any condition where a publisher offers to contract me to bankroll their company, I would and will continue to produce and publish through my own independant source CSM Publishing; it's not a company, it's just me, my latop, word, calibre and adobe; and the musicians who keep me afloat thorugh the process.

So, that is the plan. And I have said this before but there are more of you stalkers now than before, peeking thorugh my open windows so i will say it again. I don't blog according to blogger standards. My philosophy I prefer to wrap up in story; it gives the ideas context, believability and life. Philosophy etched on paper is just doll opionion. And I have no bitching on social platforms and I have no social, political, spiritual or academic opinion. I would rather give you something you can not find pasted in another mind. So with that in mind i should really change the title of this blog, but you do get, in my dialy excerpts from my dilay writing, yor dose of philosophy and such.

Oh and I am moving with my family to the countryside at the end of the year. Real deal country. I love Sao Paulo; it's a headfuck of a city, pure inspiration, but as a father I need to decide what choice is best suited for my children and my animals and in this case it means moving to a big house in a tiny city with no population and I just love to say Araraquara. More decisions should be made on the sound of words. Move to something, not away from something.

That's it for now. Thank you for stalking me. I don't know who any of you are, but i feel less lonely in my listing imagination.

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee

Stalker Windows:

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Attention Strange Stalkers

Attention Stramge Stalkers

I am trying to whip together some money for a photoshoot for 'CHRISTINE' but its seeming impossible.

The idea I had would be incredible. A little daunting but the end result that is etched in my mind would be fantastic in print.

Money. That I have none and my photographer/artist friend Carla; though giving me the kindest of discounts, still needs money for her work and this I don't have.

Two wrong professions. Independant novelist and English teacher.......

I am going to have to piece the cover together with some ideas from home, make the simple work for me; get my wife to make some women's clothes for me and play dress ups. 

I would appreciate having some capacity of slowing down in my writing, to produce less books and stories; to give myself time to save R$200 to do a photoshoot.

Anyway, I think 'CHRISTINE' will be done by early April, in 2 weeks at the most, then onto the next project.

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee

Christine excerpt

Christine preferred to avoid the conflict and the shoving and nudging and the grudging, choosing instead to leave her house that little bit earlier so she could afford for her journey to take that little bit longer so; without stress and without much ado, she could arrive at work on time; time enough to pour herself an espresso and prepare the profile she wore around the office; the think skin she wore to shield that particular office demeanour; traded subtle comments and wayward glares that were as unfortunate and common as flies at a picnic.

CHRISTINE excerpt ₢2013 

Quote: Devin (CHRISTINE excerpt)

"Look at you, you’re a woman. Do you know how many women leaders there are in this company? None, not one. Why? Because women are indecisive. They are led by doubt and feelings. Their place is in their home; on their backs or if they want a career, taking messages, holding calls, filing papers and taking some dictation, on their knees” 

Quote: Devin - 'CHRISTINE' ₢2013


i just lost a full chapter thanks to word and my shit laptop.

i am nothing short of ropeable at the moment. this fucking sucks.

off to the park with my daughter.

technology is no friend of mine

Christine excerpt

Christine felt appalled and irascible. She hated the way he called her Chris. It wasn’t her name but he did it anyway so that he could masculinize her; for the sake of work, imagining her without breasts and at evening drinks, imagining them as all that she had and all that she were. 

_ CHRISTINE _ excerpt ₢2013 C. Sean McGee

Friday, March 29, 2013


New torrent Uploaded to The Pirate Bay

The Free Art Collection Vol II

Download Torrent from The Pirate Bay

Stalking Windows:

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee

Christine excerpt

The water streamed down her face and it was impossible; even for her, to distinguish the tears as they caught flight with the water pooling by her toes and slipping away into the darkness of the drain below.

Christine excerpt ₢2013

Christine - New Working Title

Have a title for new project (ex-The Antiman)
Now called "Christine"

Based on the proverb by the Bono/Bieber of philosophy: Nietzsche
He who fights with monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster.

A girl, who in her fight against men, becomes a man.
This is the story of Christine and the day she grew a penis.

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee

Thursday, March 28, 2013

No title ????? ex-The AntiMan

The Anti-Man ---   I don't feel this title.... Something will become more certain as the story pens along. I don't have much time though. This will be another short story in the same length and pace as HIFOA.

Any ideas???

The two albums that are driving this work are:

Portishead - Portishead


Death - The Sound of Perseverance 

These works represent Christine transformation for woman to man, based on the proverb by Frederich Nietzsche: He who fights monsters might take care lest he thereby become a monster.

Portishead represents Christine in her feminine form whilst Death represents her fighting spirit and her transformation into a man.

My interest in philosophy was born from the above album by Death and the lyrics by the sionce deceased Chuck Schuldiner. The Nietzsche quote was written on the back of the cover and was enough for me to rush out and buy a 'best of' compilation of Nietzsche quotes called Hammer of the Gods.

This book will be hereby dedicated to the memory of Chuck Schuldiner, the nice guy of heavy metal.

Take Risk and Take Care,

C.Sean McGee

The Anti-Man excerpt

Christine dressed in a dark suit; pin striped pants that curved to her body but didn’t sexualize her in any way and a jacket that broadened and lifted her shoulders without hardening her feminine allure.

The Anti-Man excerpt ₢2013 
(I am very much enjoying writing with a purely feminine perspective and sentiment. Women feel, so gingerly, their emotion is less abrasive, like a tuft of light smoke)

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Coffee and Sugar Paperback (50% discount)


Insert this code into the store for a 50% discount on the book price


Coming Soon to (in 5 days)

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee

Stalker News: The Free Art Collective

The Stalker News:

3,000 Reads on Scribd in a month and a half

In total over 10K downloads via Bit Torrent
483 downloads via Rapidgator and Rapidshare
600 downloads via Smashwords, iBooks, Barnes & Noble
350 downloads via 
Absolultely $0 spent on promotion and propaganda
The Free Art Collective says Fuck You to conventional methodology

Free Art - A writer's voice and your conscious ear

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee
The Free Art Collective

New Book - The Anti-Man excerpt

The noirish guitar then danced with a noirish, triste voice, slowly building in its waking resonance so that Christine’s eyelids flickered; at first trifling, then trembling and then finally alerting as the theatre in her mind lowered its curtains; her eyes opening with heavy applause as the ethereal woman canting from the song on her phone sang about uncertainty with such a salient and alleging demureness that it had Christine wanting this affection, to be stripped of the fantasy of her own self. 

The Anti-Man - excerpt - ₢2013 -- New Project Started Today

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Coffee and Sugar Cover Art

Finished cover artwork for Coffee and Sugar paperback.

Discounted paperback copies will be available in one week via Amazon.

Digital copies are everywhere for free and online via Scribd.

Time for a new book I guess.

take risk and take care

C. Sean McGee

The Free Art Collection online @ Scribd

Good Morning Dear Stalkers

Just a quick reminder about The Free Art Collection online @ Scribd

A Rising Fall / Utopian Circus / Heaven is full of Arseholes / Coffee and Sugar / Rhymes

Nearing on 3K reads in one omnth.

Who said you need to spend a single cent on propaganda.

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Coffee and Sugar - Deluxe PDF and Paperback update

Coffee and Sugar Layout - Deluxe PDF and Paperback

I expect the Deluxe Pdf to be online in one week or so.

This is my 4th book in a nine month period..
I am hoping to start and finish The Anti Man before May to make 5 books in one year.

It has been a very emotional period. Writing has opened a lot of buried things. 
I'm not sure if this was for the better or not. I've been colliding with severe depression lately and the end of this book almost derailed me and the reflief in finsihing was brief. That itch is burying itself again to write more..

I wish I could stop.

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee

Att Stalkers

Attention Dearest Stalkers:

An unscheduled day off today from teaching and writing. Getting a well deserved lie in.

I started the set up yesterday for the paperback and for you digital fiends, the Deluxe PDF, which to this date has been the most popular of the digital formats.

I will be holding a competition too, for one Stalker to win a 'Proof' copy of Coffee and Sugar paperback along with one of two 'Proof' copies of Utopian Circus and Heaven is Full of Arseholes. These are once only copies are are the completed stories with the honesty of my head, with grammr errors and a few missing words here or there. The second editions don't have this personality so these 'Proofs'

More on  the competition soon. For now, enjoy the story.

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Coffee and Sugar

Final editing being done now. just touching up the file before creating epubs and mobis.

The deluxe pdf will be a couple of weeks off yet. As will the paperback.

But my promise was kept. 4 novels in under one year, all for free.

I never commit to deadlines.

coffee and sugar could be released Saturday or tomorrow.

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee

An oldie but my favourite of my insanity - Utopian Circus on life and death and eternity

a life can be measured in seconds and hours and minutes and years but to every living thing; regardless of measure, it always feels like a lifetime. As long as there is a start and an end, every life is measured the same. A infant child and an old man are identical. Neither can remember their birth nor envision their death, both from beginning to end feels like an eternity” 

- UTOPIAN CIRCUS *** so the next time you hear someone say "he had his whole life to live" you can now say. He did and he lived it*****

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Coffee and Sugar

Final edit of Coffee and Sugar done !!!

The ending is beautiful.. bitter sweet...
I dont hate myself anymore

Coffee and Sugar Excerpt

The word Jesus ran out of her mouth like some salivating and scandalous tongue.

- Coffee and Sugar excerpt - Digital Free Art Release Sunday March 24, 2013

Free Art Collection Release - Coffee and Sugar



Coming Soon:
Deluxe PDF

Coffee and Sugar will be available to download from:
Mobilism (official author supprted forum)
The Pirate Bay

And online reading at:
Scribd - C. Sean McGee - The Free Art Collection

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee

Coffee and Sugar excerpt (and release gossip)

She leaned her hands onto his so that he couldn’t escape and brought her face down to his shoulders so that her fringe swished against his eyelids and then his nose, tickling his reason as she exhaled her warm and insatiably irreligious breath at the base of his ear so that it trickled down his neck and shivered at his spine, ordering the tiny white hairs that lay on his lower back into rising attention.

- Coffee and Sugar excerpt (Release Date: This Weekend !!!!!)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Do you want a new book this week?

Coffee and Sugar excerpt number alot

Joao felt less like an adorning star and more like an old wash cloth with the kindness and life in him gone into cleansing each and every soul that passed by his counter, leaving him only with a thick grime and residue that he couldn’t shake off.

Coffee and Sugar ₢2013

coffee and sugar cover

Just paid 200 bucks for the license to this photo so... just getting my money's worth


This is a strange pop song I worked on with Adam j Keane back in 05/06... We were well down the rabbit hole and the effect is beautiful strange pop.

CHOICE - Adam j Keane & C. Sean McGee

Monday, March 18, 2013

Coffee and Sugar

"You see, family is like nail polish remover, they take the shine off of everything you do, they make you dull and uninteresting"

- FATTS - Coffee and Sugar ₢2013

**** editing nearing some kind of completion. honestly i don't know how i fell about this story. for those that enjoyed the ...umm complexity and still philosophy of A Rising Fall or Utopian Circus, this story is different. 

It is very difficult to stomach and endure. It's strange and it's depraved and it's just what i see when i look around Sao Paulo. 

But I think it's going to upset a lot of people and make some like me a little less. 

If you enjoyed Heaven is Full of Areholes, this is another step in that direction. 

I'll leave it to your judgement. 

It shold be done by the start of April or maybe sooner, maybe next week****

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee (Read all of my work online)


a few re-writes to do today. so far the editing is going splendid. Only one quase serious emotional collapse. not bad. must remember this storm will always pass. don't leave your fancy things on the line or your depresison will just dirty them all and you'll never wear it.

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee

Coffee and Sugar

"And like the cow, the grown up is given freedom; like democracy, shopping malls, pornography, churches, theme parks, rock shows, football and choice. Give a man freedom and he’ll do nothing with it. You wanna make a man strong, you take away his will to fight. You wanna hear him scream, you force his mouth shut but if you want him to be stupid and still just like a cow, take down the fences, put a bell around his neck and make him think he can leave if he wants to. Grownups, they’re cows. Every now and then, they’re a bull but when the humping is done, they go back to being a cow"  

Quote:  Fatts   - Coffee and Sugar ₢2013

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Coffee and Sugar

It sounded sweet and assailing, but it would take a lot more than a few kind and opposing ideas to lift the dogmatic knee from the bruised and crippling back of his stunted and irretrievable self-belief.

Coffee and Sugar excerpt ₢2013


this book is absolute rubbish. you want to know what i am thinking. I am my own fraud and i despise every word that I have ever typed and i hate having to edit this shit. It's fucking rubbish. Abosulte rubbish. Everythting I have ever written is utter crap. I shoudln't have started something i couldn'tstop.

coffee and sugar

The men were handsome, striking and particularly alpha, the women; disarming, demure, desirable and dangerous with their looks alone, sending the men into primal debate. 

Coffee and Sugar excerpt (at the cafe) ₢2013

Coffee and Sugar excerpt

Somewhere inside of his sub conscious mind, new memories were being formed and his personality was changing, like the thawing of the tundra, he could feel for the first time, his whole body engaged and electric, a part of the universe; an opposable thumb, twitching to lock around anything the passed the lunacy of his sight and feeling for the first time also, himself in colour.

- Coffee and Sugar excerpt

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Coffee and Sugar excerpt

This was his work; to become their somatic discontent and peer behind the thick callouses of their hearts to find not only the condition of their assiduousness, but also, the colour and song of their souls so that when they rested their rusted trowels and bade farewell to the suffocating leather that molested the sores on their feet, they could all spend a moment or two in private solicitous prayer, consuming the sum of themselves, just as a drunk might pause to admire the submissive, accepting and apologetic eloquence of his battered wife or how the successful executive might take a moment to count; on one hand, the sum of all the days he had spent watching his son becoming less like an emotionally wanting child and more of a cold and unaffecting, disconnected version of himself.

- Coffee and Sugar excerpt ₢2013

Friday, March 15, 2013


Read my nonsense online. Already read it? Read it again. Keep promising me you're gonna one day read it and just can't wait? Tear yourself from your own reflection, facebook will be there for you when you return. hell, there's even a like button to queel your abandoning concern. The official C. Sean McGee Scribd page. More than the first 10% of a book. why? because I'm and idiot and I have psyhcological and emotional probelms, that's why? 

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee

Coffee and Sugar

Coffee and Sugar completed 
91,361 words and some mixed feelings
I don't feel very good and i wonder if god feels like this when it has to end a story

Coffee and Sugar completed

Coffee and Sugar is DONE !!!!!!
It's well... It was really difficult writing this ending.

I will start editing tonight.
I will start The Anti-Man (or what wouold Nietzche do?) tomorrow... This should be quick. Should have 2 more books for you by the end of april at the very latest

Coffee and Sugar excerpt

Nothing was said between the strangers whose eyes hanged lower than their expectations.

- Coffee and Sugar excerpt ₢2013 (last chapter)

Update on me

The last bitter sweet chapter of Coffee and Sugar to be spoken today.
And that makes four books in under a year.

Next up (during editing of CAS) is The Anti-Man; the short story showing the sillier and more dangrous side of your all shouting causes and idealisms of any kind as a feminist fighting against the ill of men, one day, grows a penis. 

Then - the story of how shane mcgowan saved the world; kind of 
The Boy from the County Hell (or how shane stopped the apocalypse)
- a love story with a dose of whisky and smack

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Coffee and sugar excerpt

And from this height, he could see that The Bishop had been taken by a pawn.....

- Coffee and Sugar ₢2013

Coffee and Sugar excerpt

‎"There goes that girl over there, who's not really here as she is over there. Unbound and unknowing, unwilling to care, mute to calling and blind to your stare. See her you will and by that you will swear, that the girl over here is the girl over there."

- Coffee and Sugar Excerpt (Charity's Coffee) ₢2013

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Inspriation: Grandpa Death Experience

I worked with Ron Goudie when i was just a pup, a naieve 20 year old in an extreme metal band (hypercenter)
 He was a great guy then and still is now 14 years later.
I don't know many humans on this planet but i've been lucky enough to come across some fine ones indeed who have a remarkable art for explaning things.

This is his band Grandpa Death Experience from Amsterdam.

take risk and take care,


Write what you see not what you wish to see

Had to write som pretty bad stuff. don't feel good about it. what do you do, look the other way?

Coffee and Sugar excerpt

Her soul would exist in every flower, in every grain of sand and in the heart of every man. And it is the heart of man that she would judge astutely. Those she deemed worthy would be wrapped in her delicate arms. She would sing to their spirit and lesson its state of alarm. Those undeserving would taste her in every breath. She would poison their souls and send every man to his death. 

Coffee and Sugar (Charity's Coffee - at the end baby!!!) ₢2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Update on Stories

No more excerpts for Coffee and Sugar. Sorry folks. i am writing the last 2 chapters now and the rest is private, until it is ready for you.

On another note, I have been driving around Sao Paulo with The Pogues blasting out of my stereo and this new story is growing wildly in my imagination:

The Boy From The County Hell (or how Shane stopped the apocalypse)

the story is going to be a fantastic, hilarious, revolting, honest, fanciful, out right dubious adventure.

With some cameos from some special rock n roll friends.

I thought this would be a short story of 10,000 words but now I'm thinking 70-80 thousand romance.

Next though is the short story - The Anti-Man and you may even get to see photos of me in high heels, stockings and a mini skirt. Horrible it will be.. I warned you

Take Risk and take Care,

C. Sean McGee

Coffee and sugar excerpt

He laid her down gently on his mattress and undressed her without any predatory appetite, folding her clothes neatly on a chair beside the bed before tucking her into the blankets, clasping his eyes out of shameful respect. 

- Coffee and Sugar excerpt ₢2013


Rock Book: Volume Zero

The Boy from the County Hell (or how shane stopped the apocalypse)

The first novel to be gridded and developed using lyrics and songs from The Pogues, The Clash and Johnny Cash to create a fanicufl philosophical adventure with the likely anti-hero Shane McGown fighting MI-5, Islamic extremists, a disgruntled ex-beatle  iand a London apocalypse whilst finding the meaning to love, life and liquour on the back of a 10 pound note.

Boat Train - live in japan 88 - The Pogues

for those that enjoyed The Old Drunk Bastard character from the CITY trilogy, it can only get livelier here with the man Shane McGowan saving the world.

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean Mcgee

Rock Book: Volume 1

what do you get when you cross The Pogues, The Clash and Johnny Cash?

Rock Book: Volume 1
The Boy from the County Hell (or how shane stopped the appocalypse)

The first book i've ever written to use punk rock songs and lyrics as grid markers for a fanciful philosophical thrill ride of an adventure with the likely anti-hero Shane McGowan finding the meaning of love, life, liquor on the back of a 10 pound note.

₢2013 C. Sean McGee

Coffee and Sugar update

Coffee and Sugar

Writing last chapters.
Should be finished this week.

New book soon

Coffee and sugar excerpt: Saving The Bishop from the whore house

She knew he was nervous so she held his hand. This is no way made Joao’s plight any less formidable; feeling her warm soft hand squeezing his, feeling the light touch of her thigh brushing against his, feeling the tips of her shoulder scratch against his, all the while, watching four women kissing and masturbating each other on a stage while in the background; bleeding in his ears, Johnny Cash was singing about the coming apocalypse. 

Coffee and Sugar excerpt (rescuing The Bishop from the whore house) ₢2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

Coffee and Sugar excerpt

Joao wanted to say I love you, so very much. It seemed so appropriate, so right, but he couldn’t. Her face was so pretty and her heart and care so enlightening and though she gave him the will to accomplish anything, she took from him, the courage to say the words that he wanted and that he needed to say. 

Coffee and Sugar excerpt ₢2013

Coffee and Sugar Excerpt

The bus was loud and provoking with people shouting from one end to another about football scores and bad decisions and corrupt politicians and police who don’t do their job and football and violent criminals and drugs and car thieves and football and kidnappings and flooding rain and shitty traffic and football and that movie they said was good and that band that did that song and football and more football and even more football and he should have done this and he shouldn’t have done that and I would have done this and I know more than you, cause I know all the names and the plane crash and the car crash and the market crash and that celebrity who threw his three year old daughter out of the fifteenth floor window.

- Coffee and Sugar excerpt (on the bus home) ₢2013

Sunday, March 10, 2013

2013 Free Art Release Program

2013 Free Art Release Program:

Coffee and Sugar is in the final chapters.
Editing will be a longer affair this time rounnd to produce a final package the first round.
Must not let my impatience and emotional problems dtermine otherwise.

The Anti-Man:
10,000 word short story about a feminist who grows a penis.
a story of becoming.
Hopefully a cool photoshoot to package with the book.

The Rock Book (Volume 0):
8 short stories covering 8 rock songs

CITY The Musical
Collaboration with Adam j Keane (Australian engineer, producer, composer)
Rock and Industrial Musical Extraveganza
The prequel to the CITY trilogy of novels (A Rising Fall, Utopian Circus, iCannibal)

b00k 111 in the dystopian trilogy CITY:aliteraryconcerto

The Rock Book (Volumes 123)

Remember your online reading go to:

and keep updated on my deficiences here:

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee

Music and Obsession

Man Norway has some really cool rock n roll. I never thought i would ever say that without the words 'infernal' or using the prefix 'un' before some appreciating adjective pasted somewhere in between. I'm sure the 16 year old me is lighting candles and making angry scornful grimaces at my lack of 'truth' but by god, finding new music makes me feel obsessed again. I also just discovered Miles Davis yesterday. I feel like a blind man who just caught glimpse of his own reflection. 

Check out Angels Motel.

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee

Coffee and Sugar Excerpt (arriving in the city)

The same heat that scolded the dry air in the countryside ignited the air here in the city except here, every pocket of air was filled with droplets of warm filthy water and the humidity was stifling; the kind of heat that heavied your lungs and slowed the thrill in your voice so that like a cripple, you hobbled over your words and collapsed upon your exclamation.

- Coffee and Sugar excerpt (arriving in the city) ₢2013

Saturday, March 09, 2013

Another CAS Excerpt

His mother; bless her heart, was no kinder than bull ant in her maternal affection; a giant hulking mass of a woman with elephantine like calloused hands that were more leathered than a cattle’s skin and tougher than a crocodiles arse. 

- Coffee and Sugar excerpt (defining Mother) ₢2013

Coffee and Sugar excerpt (towards an end)

There was a young man sitting by the foot of a women’s boutique with his greasy hand outstretched begging for loose change and the open wound on his right led pulsed as if it were a thing itself with its own heart beat and emotional complications. There was a sign leaning against his infected foot that was smeared with the filth from his hands and under his fingernails and it was impossible to read the extent of his plight so instead the young man; who, under a thick scruffy beard and a scabbed and blistered complexion looked every bit an old man, drew attention to the horrible looking untreated wound on his leg that may have started out as a mosquito bite a year ago but with careful inconsideration in the past however many necessary days, months and years, had become an eyesore that infected the decent passing of wandering attention, having hands reach briskly for jingling and coined empathy in disgusted appreciation for the will of god should one stray from their benevolent path or; for the new age non-believers and systematically clustered non-conformists, the rallied test of their wreckful verdure guised as that ever lingering moralising bitch called Karma, she whose name is spoken of only vehemently and because of whom, good will is only attended to out of boding fear of her just retribution for moral dissent; she, as present, giving and apparent in good tidings as is genuine sensitivity and gentle consideration in a father’s ascetic advice.

- Coffee and Sugar excerpt (in flight to an ending) ₢2013

Friday, March 08, 2013

Update: Coffee and Sugar

Nearing some kind of an end. These parts are always turbulent, emotionally. What's changed this time round? I admit I have emotional problems. There you go !! Take that as a warning and an apology, whichever best suffices your bent feelings. I promised this book in its usual 3-4 month deadline. I am going to do something unusual this time. Editing. So, the free art release will be a bit longer, maybe an extra month or so. My intention is to meet the May deadline and have 4 books written, published and uploaded free in one year.

Take Risk and Take Care,

C. Sean McGee

Coffee and Sugar Excerpt

Joao was immured in stagger, his mouth busy catching flies while his eyes threatened to fall out and roll along the floor. He felt hardened and inspired, hardly the feeling he had after just giving himself to what felt like a wrong bidding and leaving the suited men and women, to their drunken, carnal orgy; oiled on what dismay and debauchery he had conjured for them.

Coffee and Sugar Excerpt ₢2013 

Thursday, March 07, 2013

Coffee and Sugar Excerpt

The man stood up and took the hand of his mother, pulling it slowly towards his own brutish and emotionally anorexic face.
“Jesus touched you?” asked The Apostle.
“Yes sir, Jesus touched me” said the man.
“Where did he touch you?” asked The Apostle.
“In the prison sir, Jesus touched me in the prison”
“And what did you do, when he touched you, what did you do?”
“I cried sir.”

- Coffee and Sugar excerpt ₢2013

Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Quote: The 13th Apostle - Coffee and Sugar

May our discord be, not what divides us, but what brings us together.

- The 13th Apostle  -  Coffee and Sugar ₢2013

Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Coffee and Sugar excerpt: The 13th Apostle's Speech

Our closeness to the lord should take us no further from the wrongs that make us human, that define our religious corroboration. Every man has in him the abundant will to accomplish many things and our desires and our depressions, they are the triggers unto which the devil sets about his traps. Even Jesus felt the thirst of temptation, for the flesh it does weaken; it suffocates the soul, so much that sometimes most people forget that it’s even there. They get so caught up in the packaging; painting it and making it sparkle that they forget the reason for it, that their body is a package, it is a parcel, it is a gift from god and they forget to look inside; to see themselves, to see their spirit, to see their purity, to see their Christian heart. Their sciences try to prove that it doesn't exist at all so they can keep this swill and swell of desire and depression at the fingertips of each Christian, to lure them, away from the embrace of Jesus Christ and smooth their depressions with saturnine delight.

- Coffee and Sugar - The 13th Apostle's Speech


I'm not a drummer, but during the writing for A Rising Fall and Utopian Circus, I watched this video over and over. It helped me a lot in addressing a more logical function and relationship to my piece of writing and using his discipline of interdependence  expressing and running my subconscious on multiple plains whilst directing and collating with my conscious mind whilst in the midst of this, still being a responsible teacher whose insanity does not dredge upon the expected return for my students and more so  being a responsible and focused father to my children and a husband and lover to my wife.

All in all, I handled it well, though writing the last 4 quick chapters of ARF, I lost grip on my sanity, on what was real or not and did end up buying 72 kilos of rice, beans and canned vegetables on my monthly shop. Just kind of felt that something was coming.

Marco Minnemann - Drum Solo (part of) from The Marco Show

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