Thursday, March 27, 2014


The Free Art Collection Audio Books coming soon

Take Risk and Take Care,


Monday, March 17, 2014

The Hunter: Describing Heaven

THE HUNTER Excerpt: Describing Heaven

Over The Gentleman’s shoulder, The Father could see in the room behind him, a great winged beast sharpening its talons against the round of a human skull. Beside it, two men fought to the death. Beside them, Death stood in front of a burning lamp, trying to capture his own shadow. And beside him, a lonely poet hanged himself, over and over again.

THE HUNTER ₢2014 CSeanMcGee


Free ePUB, MOBI, Deluxe PDF

Discounted Paperback

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Coming Soon: THE HUNTER

This is the story of a guy and some other people too and the stuff that happens, in this story about them.
**fuck your blurbs and fuck your obvious expectations. Don't live your life in summary.**

Take Risk and Take Care,


Sunday, March 09, 2014

Excerpt: The Hunter - Father Flower's Story to his Son

The Father Flower's Story to his Son:

In this story, he had woken as an atom which, to a father flower, would be invisible, impossible to see and hard to prove as being real, but to empty space, to the void and to nothing, it, or he, for that matter, was in fact, grandiose and prodigious.

For compared to nothing, anything is everything.

He wasn’t alone either; there were billions more like him who thrust into this universe at its beginning, bursting through a doorway at the same moment.

And he told his son about the flight into nothingness and in such a meaningless amount of time, how nothing became everything and then everything got bigger and bigger and bigger and farther and farther away from its beginning.

And then everything stopped.

And he was alone.

And he was really sad because he didn’t want to be alone. He wanted someone to play with. He wanted someone to sit with. He wanted someone to talk to and he wanted someone to tell him stories, someone that he could listen to.

And he thought and he thought about having someone to talk to, about having someone to be with. And the more he thought, the more the feeling inside him got warm and cozy.

Then one day, he heard lots of talking, stories he hadn’t heard before. There was lots of talking and it was all being talked to him. And he opened his eyes and there was a bright orange light and it was coming from behind him and around him and inside him and it shone out really, farther he could even tell and he could see, now that his eyes were open and shining, he wasn’t alone anymore.

And the talking he heard, that was from planets. Eighteen of them. And they all revolved around him and they all had so much to say and they all wanted his attention so much and the more he looked, the more stories they had to tell.

And he didn’t feel alone anymore. Because he had become a sun. And his mother was a galaxy. And his children were his eighteen planets and his brothers and sisters, they lived far away but he could see them when he wanted to, when he squinted his bright shining eyes. He lived inside his mother’s womb, in her galaxy with his children and his brothers and his sisters and all of their children too and the small orbiting inanimate dolls that tall of their children kept and played with whenever the light of their father's eyes turned away.

They called them moons.

THE HUNTER ₢2014 CSeanMcGee

**coming soon to the free art collection - free epub, mobi, deluxe pdf **

Thursday, March 06, 2014

The Hunter - Act II - Charge - Merry Go Bye Bye

The Hunter Act II: The Ridicule
Audio Stimuli: Mr. Bungle: Merry Go Bye Bye
Visual Stimuli: Codex Seriphinius

And a fantastic animaton here too ...

The HUnter is a love story told in III acts.
Act I - The Negation (eros)
Act II - The Ridicule (philos)
Act III - The Acceptance (agape)

Coming soon to The Free Art Collection - Paperback
Digital - free ePub, Mobi, Deluxe PDF

Take Risk and Take Care,


Wednesday, March 05, 2014

The Hunter excerpt



“Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you.”

THE HUNER ₢2014 C.SeanMcGee

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

The Anarchist - Coming Soon to The Free Art Collection

Coming Soon to The Free Art Collection...


an ironic short story about idealism

He wanted no government. He wanted no coporation. He wanted no bus fare. He wanted no corruption. The Anarchist wanted change. But this was not what he had imagined.


Sunday, March 02, 2014

The Hunter excerpt - The Father on how others brushed their teeh

And it looked kind of sexual too. Like violent sex. All that shoving and poking and gargling and choking and frozen glares, like they were on the verge of some filthy and sweaty climax.

THE HUNTER₢2014 CSeanMcGee 
*The Father: On How Others Brushed Their Teeth*

Saturday, March 01, 2014

The Hunter Excerpt

The Hunter

They entered a room with very little color, not like the rest of the clinic. Here, the walls seemed bigger than the ones outside. They looked dull and overcast. But unlike the larger bird being picked on by the bonnet of The Father’s car, here it was obvious that the smaller more colorful birds would be pinioned, should they ever raise their hands in protest. For here, the grey overcast walls cast a shadow so long that one was left astute and without imaginings.

THE HUNTER₢2014 CSeanMcGee

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Dark Existential Fiction by C.SeanMcGee - Avant-HGarde. - Dystopian - Black Comedy - Existentialism - Satire