Saturday, November 22, 2014

A word of appreciation

A sincere thanks and gratitude to those kind people who buy physical copies of my books. It pleases me to know that my stories are as worthy as i am, of a vessel. I make nothing from eBook sales but i do make a couple of bucks from every book and i, my wife, my children and our 4 cats and 4 dogs are grateful. So thankyou. I hope the presentation is sleak to your measure. Everything from the cover art to the overall layout, font type and sizing, were by my own hand and of my own feel for how to dress each story.

For those who would like to own a tangible story and support truly independant art, please visit my page at Amazon

The books are printed On Demand and are of fine quality, i can assure you.

Take Risk and Take Care,



Sunday, November 16, 2014

Review: The Time Traveler's Wife

I can say that thankfully, The Time Traveler's Wife is no longer number 1 on Amazon UK, sliiping one spot, and hopefully hundreds more. The narrow catagorizing in literature makes it frustrating in presenting your art, given especially how..... strange or progressive my art is. Every now and then though, you get to read things like this, from people who take the time to write kind words of a positive experience.

5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars, December 24, 2014
Amazing book

Jules - 5.0 out of 5 stars- A Lovely Journey., 8 Dec 2014
My desert island book. Makes you think, laugh and cry. Loved it the 3 times I have read it.

ClaireT - 5.0 out of 5 stars, 8 Dec 2014
Fantastic read, totally absorbing and at times provoking deep thoughts!

Andy - 5.0 out of 5 stars Time Traveler's Wife, 8 Dec 2014
Great book! ... Brilliant concept!!

Ben and Lindsay - 5.0 out of 5 stars 

- Entertaining, life-affirming, bizarre and wonderful!, 15 Nov 2014

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this thought provoking, existential, nihilistic, and somewhat surreal novel. It’s written in an easy, though somewhat coarse, vernacular, and plots the tragic mental breakdown of our hero, John, desperate to feel about each of life’s experiences as he did the first time he ever experienced it. But does he lose his mind, or regain his life?

Audrey rated it 5 of 5 stars  


A refreshing yet cliche expression of love for another. The notion of loving someone so much you stick with them through illness and the notion that you intentionally forget in order to rediscover your love...interesting.

3.0 out of 5 stars
 Interesting 5 Jan. 2015
Format:Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Not the book I expected. And odd read, for sure, but poses some interesting questions.

Download free eBook here:
Take Risk and Take Care,

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Excerpt: {untitled} by c.seanmcgee - Coming to The Free Art Collection in 2015

Excerpt: {untitled}

This tree might have told a thousand tales and been inscribed with the besotted initials of a thousand lovers, only to wet its thirsted roots on the salted tears of a thousand broken hearts. It might have heard a thousand promises to never again speak of a thousand secrets and over a thousand years, it might have heard them spoken, a thousand-fold more. It might have lived for ten thousand years and were it on the absolute edge of any other town, it might even live for ten thousand more. But here, a thousand miles from anywhere at all, this once incredible Sycamore tree was a curser for a town with no name and no place on any map, a town besieged by a ravenous plague of death and atrophy.
{untitled} C.SeanMcGee ₢2014

Coming to The Free Art Collection ₢  in 2015

Take Risk and Take Care,


Wednesday, November 05, 2014

The TIme Traveler's Wife - Amazon Ranking

One more ranking for good measure from Amazon UK

8th in Science Fiction, just behind George RR Martin. 

It seems one can indeed judge a book by its cover.

Who needs a publisher?

Take Risk and Take Care,

Sunday, November 02, 2014

Saturday, November 01, 2014


Teetering on the edge, with nothing below my feet, no room to move my head, and sinking further into this silt that already bears my impression, it seems only fair to assume that there is no other reason, none other than the unfortuante truth of having to start it all again.
Without my consent, writing will begin soon on a new novel, the 13th FreeArtCollection release since January 2013.
Take Risk and Take Care,
CSM Publishing

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Dark Existential Fiction by C.SeanMcGee - Avant-HGarde. - Dystopian - Black Comedy - Existentialism - Satire