"The book starts of with a grotesque group of deformed circus people who come to a grey town that is living under a curse. At first, I thought I knew where this was leading, i.e. the colourful troupe being the salvation of the town. But, no... The first part of the book ends with a bang (literally) and completely shifts the story to a psychedelic celestial plane. From there on it gets really psychedelic, with alternative dimensions and even a time loop. However, if you bear with it, it leads to an end that puts the beginning of the book in a completely different light. Highly recommended for people who do not mind their literature to be tough to chew and want something more than a straightforward story!"
- Jo Depreitere Goodreads 5 Stars
- Jo Depreitere Goodreads 5 Stars
“Light, as it were, is but a current in the vast ocean of time.”
Under a black starless sky, a troupe of ragged freaks and performers - led by the perverse and enigmatic Ringmaster - makes its way into a town disparaged by death and disease, intent on curing the sadness, suffering and infirmity of its inhabitants with Light.
**cover art "Lé Fête" by Mario Duplantier - www.marioduplantier.com
Inspired by the album DEMON by the band GAZPACHO
Inspired by the album DEMON by the band GAZPACHO
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