It only occured to me yesterday that I know more people who have comitted suicide than have died from diease or old age. I'm a miserable bastard, that's no secret and I've had suicidal urges since I was 9. For the uniniciated, in the same way one has physical and psycological symptoms that define "God damn i'm hungry, better eat some lettuce" or "Fuck it's cold, better put on a sweater," those with clinical depression also become overwhelmed with physical and psycological symptoms and sensations, and just as the jumper is the clear solution to shivering arms, suicide is to episodes of severe depression. So, to those who are silently saying "I get ya, motherucker" take note from these fellas at Hope for the Day, this simple truth - It's Ok Not to Be OK - Hope For The Day - Visit their page
Peace, Love, and as always, Take Risk and Take Care,